Quick Facts On Carpet Making
With the technological advancement, the carpet manufacturing industry has gone through many changes. When you think about the carpet making process, the first thing that comes to the mind is handmade carpets. However, things are a lot more different now. Along with the handmade carpets, there is machine- made ones available. The handmade ones are very different from the machine made ones. As it is relevant by the names hands, manufacture those handmade carpets, whereas the machine-made ones go through treatment by different machines.
The machine carpet vs. the handmade carpet
Carpet is a textile floor covering, which is fixed to the surface of the floor. In fact, it extends from one wall to the other. The most significant difference about handmade and machine made carpets is that the handmade ones hold a special place in people’s heart. Another notable difference between these two is the manner of construction. To add more, the machine- made ones are usually made of a plastic based fiber, which is glued to a base. Since it is glued to a plastic base this is what makes it an extremely durable. Often people prefer to use this kind of carpet at home. But there is one drawback in this kind of carpet manufacturing. This is because over the time the glue degrades and the plastic fiber loses grip.
Due to their manufacturing style, it is recommended for rooms that have high flow of traffic or children. The machine made carpets that consists of modern design is quite popular. There is a misconception that some people have that handmade carpets are delicate and non-durable. However, the truth is their delicate and classy design and the soft touch often deceives many people.
The knots used
The interesting thing that differentiates the machine made carpets from the handmade one is that it is manufactured by the computer-generated system. You will not know when you look at a machine -made carpets. However, the handmade carpets consist of knots and ties done by hand. On the other hand, in the machine- made carpets you will also find that thread are glued. These in fact bring out a rigid uniformity. This also lacks the human touch and the spontaneity of handmade carpets. There are various types of knots used like Persian knots, Turkish knots, Tibetan knots and more.
Ends and sides
In the handmade carpets, you will find that the fringe is generally a part of the carpet. In fact, there is another interesting thing the fringe is never sewn like that in machine -made carpets. The machine- made carpets come with surged sides or the sides that are stitched.
The back look The back of the machine- made carpet has consistent stitching. The knots are identical and remain even through the carpet. In case of handmade carpets, the stitching varies a little this because of the wool’s tension as people hand ties it.
The materials used
In carpet manufacturing there are different types of materials used. For instance, in case of machine- made carpets, acrylic, nylon or other materials are mostly used. The handmade carpets are made of pure wool.
So, when you think look at a carpet and admire the designs and style, remember that it has taken a lot of hard work to manufacture it. Even though handmade and machine- made carpets are manufactured differently, each one is special.